Holiday Tune-Up
Now is the time to give your home a holiday tune-up. A little bit of planning now can reduce the stress the season brings:
Countdown Calendar
What can you say “No” to this year? Before the list of holiday parties and obligations get underway, examine what your goals are for the holidays. What would make it enjoyable and less stressful for your family?
Are guests coming? Are you hosting? What meals are you making?
Look at your list of To-Do’s and begin to put them on your calendar. Smead has a fun downloadable Holiday Events Calendar! And remember to delegate, delegate, delegate when it comes to completing these tasks. Get your children involved...ask your guests to help with meal planning.
Gift Lists & Budget
Write out who you have to buy for and dig out those gifts you already bought and stashed away. Have loved ones make an online Wish List. Consider reducing your you really need to buy for your siblings and their significant other? Make it just about the kids! Or, agree to pick one name out of a hat for all adults in attendance.
On a budget? Shop around your house first. What do you have that you can re-gift? Research gifts you plan to buy. Will it be online? Be sure to give it enough time to be delivered. Consider Amazon Prime - a one-stop-shop and free shipping for 30 days!
Locate Supplies
Gift wrapping - take stock from what you have left over from last year.
Holiday cards, stamps - are you doing hand-written cards or using an online company to send them out?
Decorations - drag them out of the attic or basement and consider parting with the ones you haven’t used in a couple of years. Less you have to pack up later!
Remember that completing a task, like sending out cards, requires several little To-Do’s (personalizing the cards, finding addresses, buying stamps etc). All of which requires different amounts of time. Be sure to give yourself enough time to complete them while still trying to enjoy the task. After all, we should be enjoying the activities the holiday season brings, right?
Have a safe and happy holiday season!
Robin Stankowski
Professional Organizer, Owner
RLN Organizing
Freedom from Clutter