Thursday, April 2, 2020

Staying Motivated During Quarantine

The Fear Is Real
I've always been prepared and able to roll with the punches. I was made for a situation like this, right? Well, not so much. That's right, even for someone like me who's organized, productive and motivated, it's been really hard.

It's been a couple weeks since I last worked. The first week was dealing with the shock of it all, making sure my basic human needs were met. That my family was safe. Were we going to be financially OK? All real worries and fears. I started to research the option adding virtual organizing to my business. I took some online courses, reached out to peers and tested it out on my family.  

The second week rolled around and I was more idle. I thought I had a plan. But I really didn't do much of anything, except bing-watch Netflix and eat all the comfort foods (hello Lucky Charms). I didn't have much of a daily schedule. I kept exercise in the mix but did more playing than working and I wasn't sleeping well at all.

Then this Facebook post popped up from my organizing friend, Amy Payne:  

"Some of you thrive on projects and getting things done. Some of you will feel suffocated by a sense of needing to accomplish things. Do what’s best for you during this crazy time in history! And don’t feel guilty about whatever you choose."

I needed to see this. I was feeling suffocated. I could finally allow myself to breathe again. It was OK. I am going to be OK.

Once you are ready to move forward, consider these tips and resources to get you on track:

Tips & Resources
Create a routine: Set an alarm, create a To Do list for the day. My plan? Work in the morning, play in the afternoon.

Financial Help: What deadlines can be extended? Most lenders are deferring mortgage payments. Credit card companies are doing the same. Make plans for your stimulus check. And if you are a small business, there are loans available.

Stay Connected: Call your friends and/or family. Better yet video chat with Zoom, Facetime, Google Duo or Whats App.

Self Care: Try Yoga or meditation. Check out some free at-home exercise programs through Beachbody and Peloton (don't need a bike). Find the humor in this - people have been so creative and funny with the memes. Here are 23 methods to calm your anxiety.

Better In The Long Run
I'm an optimistic person and I do choose to look at the benefits of this crazy situation. We are eating with our families, playing games, being creative and connecting. What a great way to push that reset button on what's important in life. And, it's OK that your biggest decision of the day is which sweat pants to wear!!!

So, I hope that you give yourself permission to do what's best for you and don't feel guilty about it. We will get through this and will be better for it in the end.

Be well.

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